Shiyu Zhang earned his bachelor of Science in Chemistry from Nankai University, China on 07/2017. During his undergraduate period, he joined Prof. Xianhe Bu's group and worked on designing and synthesizing metal-organic frameworks (MOFs). After graduating from college, Shiyu Zhang continued to work as a research assistant in Prof. Xianhe Bu's group for one more year (from 07/2017 to 07/2018). Shiyu Zhang has started his Ph.D. program in the chemistry department at Clemson University on 08/2018. On 12/2018, he joined Prof. Saha's group. Currently, he is a third-year Chemistry Ph.D. student in Prof. Sourav Saha's group, focusing on design, construction, and structure-property relationship studies of stimuli-responsive electronic and photonic metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) based on redox- and photoactive ligands.