
Claudio Cappelletti

Adolphe Merkle Institute - University of Fribourg

I was educated at the University of Milan Bicocca. For my Bachelor's thesis I worked at SIAD s.p.a. in Bergamo to study safety management in a big company. For my Master's thesis, I went to the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) to work in the research group of Prof. Thomas B. Rauchfuss;​ the aim of my project was the synthesis of an aryl phosphine-oxime ligand and its Ni and Fe complexes. I also worked at CNR-ICRM in Milan under the supervision of Dr. Francesco Secundo on the characterization of wild- and mutated-type of FDH, and at CNR-ISMAC in Milan in the research group of Dr. Incoronata Tritto, on the synthesis of a biobased alkyd resin. I started to work at AMI as a Ph.D. student in March 2018.


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