Senior Postdoctoral Associate, Singapore-MIT Alliance for Research and Technology (SMART)

I was trained in molecular biology, virology, and structural biology during my bachelor's and PhD studies. The training and the projects she worked on helped myself developing an expertise in planning and executing experiments in molecular biology and structural biology. I am currently working in Prof. Hadley's group as a senior postdoctoral associate. During the time as a postdoctoral associate, I was well trained in understanding the rcSso7d mini protein technology including yeast culture, FACS, and so on. Our group rapid responded in developing diagnostic tests against the COVID-19 pandemic, where I was intensively trained in assay development and downstream processes of translating science research into products. I have co-founded a company with Prof. Hadley and team on the technology platform as Thrixen Pte Ltd. Currently, my research interest continues in detection assay development, protein engineering and extends to drug discovery.
