
Dr. Mohammed Sayed

Petroleum Engineer, Aramco Services Company: Aramco Research Center-Houston

Mohammed Sayed is a research scientist in the Production Technology Team at the Aramco Research Center—Houston. In this role, Mohammed is responsible for developing chemical treatments and fluids used in acidizing carbonate reservoirs (matrix acidizing and acid fracturing). He is also responsible for developing fluid systems utilized for wettability alteration for liquid banking, as well as developing solutions for gas hydrate removal and mitigation and investigating the productivity decline in unconventional oil and gas resources.

Mohammed is a contributor to technical papers and is a member of the Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) as well as the American Chemical Society (ACS). He has presented during industry conferences such as Offshore Technology Conference (OTC), International Conference on Oilfield Chemistry as well as publishing peer-reviewed papers in the Canadian Journal of Petroleum Technology, SPE Production and Operation Journal and Advances in Water Resources.  
