
Dr. Xin Liu

Associate Professor, Dalian University of Technology

Xin Liu received his Ph.D. degree from Dalian University of Technology in 2006 and is currently an associate professor at Department of Chemistry, School of Chemical Engineering of Dalian University of Technology. He was a visiting scholar at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (2010), a postdoc at King Abdullah University of Science & Technology (2010-2012), a visiting professor at UMR 8208 CNRS, Université Paris-Est (2017), a research consultant at King Abdullah University of Science & Technology (2018) and an academic visitor at Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche - Istituto di Chimica dei Composti OrganoMetallici (2019). His research is mainly focused on the theoretical investigation of surface properties of solids, related mainly to adsorption and catalytic processes involving nano-structured and microporous materials.
