
Dr. William A Pisani Ph.D.

ORISE Postdoctoral Fellow in Computational Chemistry, US Army Corps of Engineers ERDC-EL

Hi! My name is Will Pisani. I perform computational materials science research for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers ERDC Environmental Laboratory as an ORISE Postdoctoral Fellow. I am an expert in computational solid mechanics of polymer composites. I am familiar with density functional theory (DFT), molecular dynamics (MD), micromechanics (MM), and multiscale (MS) simulations. My software packages of choice are GPAW/ASE (DFT), LAMMPS (MD), and MAC/GMC (MM/MS). My research interests are computational solid mechanics, integrated computational materials engineering (ICME), and open-source scientific computing.

In my free time, I enjoy programming, playing video games, making covers of video game music, reading novels and comic books, cooking with my wife, and spending time with our three cats and one dog.
