Wei Gao is a Principal Research Scientist at Dow Inc. She received her PhD from Peking University in 1997, then worked in the Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, and New York University as research faculty. In 2006, Wei joined industry. She intensively works on polymer and particle characterization, the synthesis−structure−property relationship of polymeric and colloidal systems, and sustainable polymers. She has published over 40 papers and has more than 20 patents and patent applications. She has organized multiple American Chemical Society (ACS) symposia in national meetings. She also served on executive committee for Chinese American Chemical Society (CACS), and Steering board for international symposium on Field- and Flow-Based Separations. She was the recipient of the NOVA Innovation Award from Rohm and Haas Company (2008), US EPA Presidential Green Chemistry Challenge Awards (2003 and 2013), and ACS Polymer Chemistry Division (POLY) fellow (2021).