
Shana J. Sturla

Professor, ETH Zurich

Professor of Toxicology, ETH Zurich, Switzerland

I was born in Brooklyn, New York, and studied Chemistry at the University of California at Berkeley (Go Bears!) and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. I did a postdoc in Toxicology at the University of Minnesota Cancer Center. 

Goals of my research are to elucidate the chemical basis of mutagenesis and toxicity, and to promote innovative bioanalysis strategies for predicting chemical hazards and precision responses to cancer therapeutics. I am speaking in the division of Chemical Toxicology (TOXI) at this meeting.

I teach courses in Toxicology, Chemical Biology and Carcinogenesis. I am VP of the Swiss Society of Toxicology, Immediate Past Chair of TOXI, and Editor-in-Chief of Chemical Research in Toxicology. 

I love biking, cross country skiing, rowing and learning surprising new functionalities in ChemDraw from my 8-year old son. @ProfessorShana @Toxicology_ETH
