
Dr. Rajesh Kumar Saini

Research Science Specialist, Aramco Americas

Dr. Rajesh Saini is a Research Science Specialist in Production Technology Team at Aramco Research Center—Houston. He has more than 22 years of experience in oil and gas industry, and chemical research. He is a subject matter expert in oilfield stimulation, production and operations technology. He specializes in hydraulic fracturing, sand control, acidizing, production technology, oilfield chemicals and water conformance. Prior to joining Production Technology Team in 2017, he has played critical roles at Halliburton, Weatherford, and Lubrizol in the capacity from research scientist to R&D manager. Dr. Saini holds a Ph.D. in Organic Chemistry from Kurukshetra University, MBA from Oklahoma State University and was a post-doctoral fellow at Rice University working with Prof W.E. Billups and Richard E. Smalley (Nobel Laureate in Chemistry). He holds 58 US patents, 1 book chapter and more than 50 peer reviewed journal publications.
