Rachel B. Getman is the Murdoch Family Endowed Professor of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering at Clemson University. She was the first woman to be tenured (in 2017) as well as the first to be promoted to full professor (in 2022) in her department in its 100+ year history. In research, Prof. Getman is interested in how solvent configurations and solvation energetics influence processes in heterogeneous catalysis and separations. Prof. Getman holds a CAREER award from the National Science Foundation, a Clemson University Board of Trustees Award for Excellence, and a Professor of Affordable Learning Award from the South Carolina Affordable Learning Group. She presently serves as the Area Co-Chair for the Catalysis and Reaction Engineering Division of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers and as a Member-At-Large for the CATL Division of the American Chemical Society.