
Dr. Philipp Weller

Professor, Mannheim University of Applied Sciences

Prof. Dr. Philipp Weller is a German researcher and full professor at Mannheim University of Applied Sciences and focuses on the field of chemometrics and pattern recognition for the authentication and quality analysis of foods and pharmaceuticals, as well as the online monitoring of biotechnological processes. All his work is data-driven and employs modern strategies of machine and deep learning in combination with modern instrumental analytics, such as VOC-based GC-IMS, GC-MS or various types of spectroscopy . Together with his team, he has developed multiple tools for data mining of GC-IMS data, as well as for the data fusion of orthogonal and high dimensional data from multimodal sources. Furthermore, he is head of the Competency Center for Chemometrics ( and also heading the GdCh food chemistry experts group for chemometrics and data analysis. Before his time in Mannheim, he was working in a number of positions at BASF SE and Nestlé Germany.
