
Dr. Naresh Gunaganti Ph.D.

Associate Research Scientist, Northeastern University

I have received my Ph.D. from CSIR-Central Drug Research Institute, Lucknow, India in 2015 in the area of development of novel methodologies for the synthesis of biologically significant molecules under the supervision of Dr. T. Narender. I then joined as a postdoctoral fellow at The University of Arizona, USA with Dr. HongYu-Li in 2015. Their I was focused on discovery and development of human kinase inhibitors to find the cure for various type of cancers. In 2016 our entire team was moved to University of Arkansas for medical sciences (UAMS), Little Rock, AR and there I continued my kinase drug discovery research with them for another 2.5 years. Thereafter, I joined with Prof. Pollastri's research group in Dec. 2018, Northeastern university, Boston. Currently I am working as an associate research scientist in the same group in the area of repurposing human kinase inhibitors against parasitic diseases. I have 13 years of research experience in organic synthesis and drug discovery.
