
Maria Martin-Cabrejas


Science Bachelor (Chemistry) in 1988, Bachelor Degree (Outstanding, 1989) and Ph.D. in
Sciences ("cum laude", 1993) by Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM) studying dietary
fiber (DF) fractions in foods through the knowledge of cell wall polysaccharides. My predoctoral
period was financed by a competitive grant (FPU); several trainings were carried out
at the Institute of Food Research (now Quadram Institute Bioscience, UK), learning the newest
methodologies in DF analysis in the prestigious group of Dr K. Waldron. Part of the thesis
results were reflected in the book Physiology and Biochemistry of Plant Cell Walls (Brett and
Waldron, 1996). This collaboration conducted my participation in EU Project TS3*CT92-0085,
working as a Postdoctoral Assistant until October 1993. During this period my work was
dedicated to setting up new methodology to non-nutritive factors in legumes and applied to
the study of the hard-to-cook phenomenon in legumes. Later on, I got the job of Assistant at
the Faculty of Sciences (UAM), followed by Assistant Lecturer in 1996, and finally, Professor from 2000 until now. I am developing my teaching and research activities at the
Department of Agricultural Chemistry and Food Sciences.


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