Lee_Loong Chuen

Dr. Lee LC Loong Chuen

Senior Lecturer, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia

LC is a senior lecturer in the Forensic Science Program, Faculty of Health Sciences, Universiti Kebangsaan Malysia (UKM) and member of the Malaysian Institute of Chemistry (Institut Kimia Malaysia, IKM). IKM is a statutory professional organization incorporated under the Chemist Act 1975. LC completed her BSc in Forensic Science at the Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) in 2007. Then LC joined the Forensic Science Program, Faculty of Health Sciences, UKM, as a tutor till 2012. Later, she obtained her MSc. Degree in Chemistry and Ph.D. degree in Applied Statistics at UKM in 2012 and 2019, respectively. In 2020, Dr. LC was promoted to senior lecturer. Her current research is focused on developing analytical approaches for classification, discrimination and identification problems in the context of forensic sciences by using chemometric and chemical instrumental techniques. She managed published six research papers in Q1 journals covering Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems, Analyst; and Microchemical Journal, during her PhD study. Meanwhile, she is also actively published research performed by her undergraduate students in high impact journal, e.g. Journal of Analytical Chemistry, and Egyptian Journal of Forensic Sciences. Her publications covered journals in the field of analytical chemistry, chemometrics and forensic science. Besides journal papers, she has performed over 40 oral and poster presentations in various International and National Conferences/Symposiums/Seminars; published proceedings papers, and popular writings.
