Particularly in STEM disciplines, the engagement, retention, and graduation rates of students from historically marginalized groups still lag behind that of students from the majority population…
_N_-Acylated dehydroamino acid esters are easily accessible in two steps from a wide variety of aromatic aldehydes and hippuric acid. These esters have been used for the preparation of _e_. _g_. chiral amino acids and dihydro-oxazoles and are naturally occurring building blocks of peptides…
Cisplatin and other platinum compounds are an essential part of combination chemotherapy to treat cancer. The compounds bind to and crosslink DNA, thus leading to cell death. Due to the high growth rates of tumor cells this treatment impacts cancer cells the most…
Cisplatin is an essential part of combination chemotherapy to treat cancer. The compounds bind to and crosslink DNA, thus initiating apoptotic pathways in cancer cells…
When cancer cells undergo rapid growth, their energy requirements increase significantly compared to normal cells. As a result, many cancer cells overexpress hexose transporters, which are integral membrane proteins responsible for facilitating the transport of hexoses across cellular membranes…