
Prof. Dr. Jose M. Lagaron

Research Group Leader, CSIC

Jose Maria LAGARON is Group Leader and Founder of the group Novel Materials and Nanotechnology at the Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology (IATA) of the Spanish Council for Scientific Research (CSIC) located in Valencia, Spain. He is also Head of the Joint Unit IATA(CSIC)-University Jaume I in Polymers Technology. 

JM Lagaron is also Founder of several technology based companies including Nanobiomatters S.L., Bioinicia S.L. and Cebimat S.L.


Other highlights:


-    MSc in Chemical Sciences at the University of Valladolid (Spain)

-    PhD in Physical Sciences (Polymer Physics) at the University of Valladolid (Spain).

-    Worked for several years at DSM Research (The Netherlands) and BP Chemicals (UK) as Research Associate.

-       He has published 321 peer reviewed papers, several books and holds 65 patents to his credit.

-       Member of the Editorial Board of the Journal J. Appl. Polym. Sci., Nanomaterials and Applied Sciences.

-       Associated Editor in Frontiers in Sustainable Food Processing.

-       Vocal of the Executive Board of the "Royal Spanish Society of Physics and Chemistry (Polymers Group)". 

-       Vocal of the Executive Board of the Valencia Region Biotechnology Association, BIOVAL.

-       EU Innovation Radar Award for best Early Stage Innovation within the EU in 2018. 

-       Coordinator of the Innovation Action of the H2020 EU Project YPACK on Circular Bioeconomy Food Packaging with 23 partners from all over Europe and over 7 MEuro budget. 

-       Coordinator of the EU H2020 project USABLE on Circular Bioeconomy with 25 partners from all over Europe and over 6 MEuros budget.
