
Prof Jeremy Graham Frey

Professor of Physical Chemistry, Univeristy of Southampton

Jeremy Frey obtained his DPhil on van der Waals complexes, in the Physical Chemistry Laboratory, University of Oxford, funder the supervision of B. J. Howard. He followed this with a NATO/SERC fellowship at the Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory with Y. T. Lee. In 1984 Jeremy took up a lectureship at Southampton and is now Professor of Physical Chemistry and Head of Computational Systems Chemistry Group. Jeremy's experimental research probes molecular organization in environments from single molecules to liquid interfaces using laser spectroscopy from the IR to soft X-rays. In parallel he investigates how e-Science infrastructure helps to make a smart and intelligent laboratory, - people, equipment and computers can all work well together blending into his computational and theoretical side he has a focus on chemical informatics and the application of novel mathematical approaches, e.g. Topological Data Analysis and computational advances in Machine Learning to chemical modelling.
