
Dr. Faruck Morcos

Associate Professor, The University of Texas at Dallas

Dr. Faruck Morcos is an Associate Professor in the Department of Biological Sciences, the Department of Bioengineering and member of the Center for Systems Biology at the University of Texas at Dallas. He joined UTDĀ  after completing his postdoctoral training at the University of California San Diego and Rice University. He is the recipient of multiple awards including the Research Excellence Award given by the CSE Department at the University of Notre Dame for his PhD thesis and the Werner von Siemens Excellence Award for graduate studies at the Technical University of Munich. Dr. Morcos' lab focuses on solving problems at the interface between biology, computation, mathematics and biological physics. He received the NSF CAREER Award and the NIH MIRA Award to develop methods to extract biological information from sequence and genomic data and create models of molecular evolution, protein structure and function as well as bimolecular interactions
