Education: BS Chemical Engineering, MS Organic Chemistry Timisoara Politehnic, Romania
Key Affiliations: American Chemical Society (Fellow) CropLife Expert for Residues, MRL/IT, Trade, Codex, WTO-SPS
OECD Residue Chemistry Expert Group Global Minor Use Summits
Expertise: 33 yrs at Corteva AgriSciences (heritage Dow Chemical) where has accumulated expertise across R&D areas related to Formulation Chemistry, Regulatory, Government & Public Affairs, Global Risk Assessment (humans & environment), Global Residue Expert & Leader for Residue, Comp & Agronomics and Global MRL & Import Tolerances strategies. Carmen has contributed at external regulatory advocacy events and publications to set global regulations (OECD, Codex, others) for global residue programs, proportionality of residues with rate, climatic zones, seasonality, and the Global ONE-MRL scheme where the first registration country prompts Codex to set MRL, adopted by all 188 member countries. Carmen and has many internal and external recognitions in the residues, risk and food standards areas and was awarded as 2021 ACS Fellow.