
Dr. Belen Altava

University Jaume I

Studied Chemistry in Zaragoza University, Spain. Got the PhD in Chemistry in 1996 in the Jaume I University and since 2000 is Associate Professor at the University Jaume I, Spain. From 1996 to 1999 carried out research stays at the Autonomous University of Mexico, the University of Dusseldorf and Novartis (Basel, Switzerland). Her research activity has been developed within two different lines of work: Supported Reagents and Catalysts and Supramolecular Chemistry. Within the field of Supramolecular Chemistry, the research has been recently focused in the development of new imidazolium salts as receptors for anions and as antibacterial and antitumor agents and in the development of new functional pesudopeptidic compounds as gelators. She has published more than 55 articles and presented more than 100 communications to congresses, most of them international, as well as the co-supervision of 6 doctoral theses.
